Thursday, January 27, 2011

Enjoying the Small Things

We all remember the anticipation of a snow day as children.  Sleep with your jammies inside out, put that spoon under your pillow, do the "snow dance;" try to deny it but we have all done one of those! Well, not Lily, Lily was pissed when she woke up this morning and there was no school. "But Mama, it's gym day with Mr. Harrington, and we were gonna do sledding at recess!"  Yes, I know, she's still too young and naive to realize that snow days are the best days ever!  I secretly hoped she would have school today as well.  I've never been much for loving to play in the snow and I know that if there is no school, it is written somewhere in the "How Not to Screw Up Your Kids Handbook," to take your kids outside to play in it. So needless to say, against everything in me, Lily and I went sledding.  I was not looking forward to going at all, but we as Moms do a lot of things we do not want to do (i.e. nighttime feedings, crappy diaper changes etc).  We were lucky enough to have Daddy home for the day, so we were able to do something just "us girls."  Girls days are few and far between these days now that we have a little boy tagalong in our James.  Don't get me wrong, we love him to pieces and I swear he is the comic relief of my life, but hanging out with this little mini me I have created is a blessing in itself.

James and Daddy made a mess of the house while we were gone

So off to the park behind Middleboro Police Station.  I actually had to call a friend from the area and ask the best places to sled around here.  Usually when we go play in the snow it's just outside our building and sledding was something we had yet to attempt.  This hill was pretty decent.  Being from Marshfield, I was spoiled by Coast Guard Hill, and this one just couldn't compare.  Apparently it was the place to be today though because there were kids everywhere.  To know how Lily would react, you have to know this kid is petrified of her own shadow.  If you say the word "Santa," she goes running and hiding because she is horrified of Santa.  We took her to Storyland for her 4th birthday and got her on 2 rides in the whole park (talk about a waste of $$!). So I didn't give her enough time to think about anything.  I put her tiny butt, and my not so tiny butt on the sled and down we went.  She SCREAMED bloody blue murder the whole way down, and as soon as we got to the bottom she got up with an ear to ear smile and started laughing her little butt off! 

"AGAIN AGAIN MAMA!"  So up and down we went 4 or 5 times and by we, I mean her sledding down with me and me trucking her back up the hill.  Then she decided she wanted to make a snowman.  Over to the field we went to make one, but if you have been out in the white stuff, you too will know this is not good snowman snow, so we settled for a "snowball fight" which consisted of Lily just throwing snow at my face and thinking she was the funniest human being that ever walked the Earth.

making snowballs

After the joy of pelting me in the face subsided we made some fabulous snow angels.  

My angel making an angel

Our Matching Snow Angels

So my dread to go and experience sledding was overwhelming and when I sitting there getting snow thrown at my face, I realized this was the best time I had had in so long!  I feel like I am so caught up in getting the house cleaned, dinner cooked, studying, working on Lily's letters and numbers, bath time, story time, and bedtime that sometimes I forget what really matters.  It isn't the hundreds of toys under the tree Christmas morning, or the lavish vacations we take that matter to our kids; It is the times like these when Lily was running through the snow, falling, throwing snowballs, making snow angels, and laughing the entire time that really matter.  As we were leaving she said "Thank you so much Mama; This was the BEST day ever!" That is what matters.  Enjoying the little moments that mean the most.  She won't remember all the dolls she had when she is older or the trip to Disney World we took when she was 3, but she will remember the spontaneous dance parties we have in the living room where she teaches her brother the basics of booty shaking, the bike rides that take hours to get around the block because she walks and rides and smells the flowers, making sand castles at the beach and then smashing them to pieces, and the snow days we spent sledding, throwing snow, and making angels.  To top it off I had a blast myself!  I loved every second of playing in the snow, and if the domestic duties of making dinner hadn't called me home, I probably would have spent even longer doing so.  Lily really hit the nail on the head, today was the best day ever!

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